Friday, March 8, 2013

Dating My Daughter

    It’s so cliché but time really does go by way to fast.  Especially when you have kids.  Yesterday I had a sweet, little baby girl who held my hand when we walked together, thought her daddy was the ONLY man she would ever love and one day marry, and believed that I could fix everything for her.  That was yesterday.  Today I have a 17 year old, and while we do spend lots of time walking, shopping and going places together she has given up the hand holding.  She still loves her daddy more than any man right now but knows that one day God will place in her life another man to love too.  And sadly, she has learned that I’m just a mom, not super-woman.  I can band-aid a boo boo and I can duct tape the hem of her pants if needed, but she knows that even I have limits to what I can fix for her and that some things she has to fix for herself.  Yesterday I pushed her on the swings, today we drive to college pre-view days.  Time flies.

    But with all the changes in growing up a daughter, nothing, nothing starts raising the hair on the back of your neck like when she begins dating.  When my kids were born I began praying for the people they would date and the people they would end up choosing to marry and spend their lives with.  I’ve prayed for 17 years for the faceless boys that would knock on my door to take my daughter on a date.  I’ve prayed for their parents too.  I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised to see the face of some of these boys I’ve been praying for.  Proof that God hears our prayers.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I know at some time there MAY be a young man show up that surprises me, one that makes me think, “Seriously God?” but for now, Mike and I approve of the record.  So when I think about this there are some things I realize that are important to me as Abbie’s mom that these boys should know.  And in case you have a boy that wants to date my daughter, or you happen to be a boy that wants to date my daughter, these are some things you need to know about me and about dating her.

Before you date her, you’ll need to know a little bit about me… and her Dad!
If you want to date my daughter, I will try to figure out what kind of boy you are before you spend time with her.  I will ask you a lot of questions and make sure you know how special my daughter is.  When you get to know her, you’ll get to know me too (isn't that great!).  I will creep up on and stalk your facebook, twitter, instagram and any other form of communication in order to see how you talk to other people and what kind of friends you hang out with.  I don’t call it being nosy, I call it being a mom.  As for her dad, he thinks she hung the moon.  Nuff said.
Manners are manly
I know you have been taught them, so use your manners.  Not just to impress me, but when you are with her also.  If you don’t have or use manners you are not the one I’ve been praying for and obviously not God sent.  If you want to spend time with my daughter I will insist that you treat her like a lady and respect her the way you do your own mother. So open the door for her, look me in the eye when you talk to me and shake her daddy’s hand.  I shouldn’t even have to say this one BUT if your come to pick up my daughter and your pants are hanging below your underwear I am going to assume you have some sort of parasite and have lost a lot of weight.  In which case I will offer you a belt, some duct tape (that I will personally adhere to your pants and underwear myself) or I will ask that you go home and come back when your weight has increased enough to hold up your britches.   Never, ever come to my house and wait in the car for my daughter.  I want to see your face.
God and school come first
If she says she can’t go with you because she is going to church – then she is going to church, meet her there.  If her grades drop when she is dating you, you will be dropped.
The Last Words
If she chooses to spend her time with you, her dad and I expect you to protect her and keep her safe, just as if she were your best friend, your sister or your mother.  Never put her in a situation where she is threatened or feels the need to call me (she knows she can, and that would not prove good for you).
For 17 years we have instilled values into our daughter.  As she has grown up, she has added to those her own set of values.  Respect those.  That is not optional.  She is a wonderful, beautiful, loving, Godly creature who means the world to us.  You are a blessed young man if she chooses to share her time with you.  Respect that.  And while you are at it….. get her home on time.  This looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship –  you, her and me.
Her mom