Saturday, September 1, 2012

Circle of Life

Remember the Lion King, the part where Rafiki holds up the baby cub and the Elton John song, “The Circle of Life” plays in the background?  I suppose that is what most people think of when they hear the term “circle of life”.  I on the other hand get a completely different mental picture.  It happened to me the first day I realized ---- I had become my mother.  ANNNNNDDD the cirrrrrcle of liiiffffee……  Yep.  There you have it.  The real meaning of “The Circle of Life.”

Recently (as in earlier this evening) I was at a football get-together.  Now, I love a good get-together.  I’m not a big football fan but if that’s what brings friends together, then I’m all for it!  So as I’m standing around the kitchen my sweet little friend Shan comes up and talks to me.  Shan’s mom is my good friend and I’ve known Shan for many years.  As I said, sweet, young, early 20-something, Christian, SINGLE, young lady.  I did say that earlier didn’t I? The part about her being single?  Anyway, Shan asks me if I tried the XXX dip.  That was when it happened.  The moment I knew I had to share with Shan about the circle of life.  So I said, “Shan, there is something you need to know.  You are old enough now to hear this.  And here it is……. One day, yes one day, you will become your mother.”  I think the gasp, moan and eye roll from her was a little dramatic but perhaps I had done the same thing when I was first informed of this life event.  In my 20’s I was adamant that I would NOT be like my mother!  Somewhere in my 30’s I decided well, I guess there are some things about my mother that I might want to be like.  And then, one day it happened.  Words came from my own mouth,  I turned and searched the room to see where my mother was because I was sure those words were coming from her.  That was the first time the voice in my head said, “You have become your mother.”  The first of many times. 

This past year my daughter was dating a sweet young man and as he sat in our kitchen one evening I shared with him this simple bit of advice:   Always be sure you like your girl friend’s mother because if you should one day marry that girl, at some point in your life together you are going to look at her and either think or say (and may I suggest that you just keep the thought to yourself), she has become her mother.  He and Abbie are no longer dating but I am SURE it has NOTHING to do with my advice!

So you may be wondering how in the world we got from,”Mrs. Pam, have you tried the XXX dip,” to becoming your mother.  Well, I did try XXX dip but I just couldn’t eat it.  For years, my mother has told me how she won’t eat at potluck dinners unless she knows who brought each dish.  The reason?  Well Ruth (my mom) says you just never know about people.  Maybe they have a bunch of cats and those cats are allowed to sit on the counter tops.  And because of that, she will not eat at a potluck dinner.  And because of that, I could not eat XXX dip.  Sad, but true.  With a gasp, moan and eye roll, I must admit – I am Ruth.  ANNNNNDDD the cirrrrrcle of liiiffffee……

(PS – I’m sorry if you are offended by the cat comment or the “I’m not a big football fan” comment.  That’s just me and my crazy family.  However, I love brussels sprouts and you probably don’t, but that’s ok, I’m not offended.  You just never know about people.)

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