Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mothers of Sons

   I am mother to both a daughter and a son.  The relationship with each child is completely different.  Each one of my children bring something different to the table, and to my life.   My firstborn was a daughter.  We were thrilled to be having a little girl.   My only sibling is a sister so I figured I knew what was ahead with raising a girl.   During my second pregnancy, we found out that the baby was going to be a boy.  My emotions were mixed about this.  I was thrilled that we would have the best of both worlds with a daughter and a son, but at the same time I was scared, because I had no idea how to raise boys!  Boys are loud.  And dirty.  I was not use to loud and dirty.  Anyone who has ever been pregnant will tell you that with pregnancy comes much advice by others.   The one thing I heard people tell me over and over was that the relationship between a mother and son is like no other, and  I have found that to be very true!
   Not to long ago a friend stopped me and shared with me a story about her son.   He had been the butt of a cruel joke by his classmates.  She shared how hurt her son had been and knowing her son, the story caused me pain also.  It bothered me that this young man was so heartbroken, but what pained me even more, was how hurt this mother was for her son.  I thought about her all afternoon and prayed for her that evening.  Today I’m thinking about another mother who must have bore much pain watching her son.  I thought about Mary, the mother of Jesus.
   Mary was not very old when she found out she would be carrying the Messiah.  Not just a normal, loud, dirty boy,  no – THE MESSIAH!  Whoa, there’s a shocker for you.  She was probably somewhere between the ages of 13-15, she was unwed, she was poor and by all appearances, she did not look the part of the one to carry the Savior of the world.  God saw in Mary what others could not.  He saw a young woman who was full of faith.  I sometimes wonder what God saw in me when he decided he wanted me to raise a son.  Did he see someone he could trust to raise up a boy to become a strong Christian man, a Christian father, a Christian leader?  Am I doing the job God called me to do when he gave me a son?
   In the bible, once Mary gives birth to Jesus we don’t hear much about them until Jesus starts his ministry.  I can’t help but wonder what those years were like between his birth and his ministry.  Was Mary experiencing doubt that she would ever get him raised and out of the house?  Did she ever have to tell him to pick up his sandals and robe?  Did she teach him to pray or did he just know how?  Did she teach him compassion and generosity?  Did she cry when he fell and skinned his knees?  Did her heart break when he told her that one of his playmates was bullying him?  Did she become weak in the knees knowing what was to become of her beloved son?  How does a mother watch as her son is beaten, bad mouthed  and crucified?  I can’t begin to imagine the pain of that one mother!
   As a mother of a son, I have been entrusted with a huge responsibility.  It is my job as a mother to teach my son and provide him with the knowledge to become what God intends for him to be.  One day he will leave my home and I will have no more chances at teaching him.   When that day comes, will I know that I’ve done my job as a mother?  Will he know what a Godly woman looks like because of the example I put before him?  Will his faith grow because he saw mine grow?  I love my son.  When he laughs, my heart laughs louder and when he hurts, my heart hearts deeper.   So what gets us through when our heart hurts so incredibly bad for our son?  Just like Mary, I think it is our faith.  My son, like hers, belonged to God before he belonged to me.  He is a gift from God that I will only have for a certain amount of time.  I have to keep the faith that the work God started in him, He will see through.  I have to keep the faith that God is in control of Michael’s life and I am not.  He knows Michael’s pains and sorrows and He will use them to His glory.  My days as a mother to Michael are numbered and I must use my days wisely and prayerfully. 
   I wonder if Mary knew all the things Jesus would do as a man?  Did she know he would heal the sick, raise the dead and give sight to a blind man?  I have no idea what Michael will do as a man.  I pray daily for him and for myself as I mother this boy, this gift.  And please don’t misunderstand and think Mike doesn’t play a HUGE roll in parenting both Michael and Abbie, but I’m talking specifically from a mom’s point of view here.   I pray that God shows me how to teach Michael and how to lead him from a mothers stand point.  Michael will leave me one day and his decisions will be his own.  It was never my job to control who or what he becomes.  My job was to mother him, love him and pray him through.
My Gift.
    Mary’s life was very different from mine but the one thing I share with Mary is that we are both the mother’s of sons.   A special gift and one I’m honored that God gave me.  I’ve messed up with Michael more than once and I’m sure I will miss the boat again at some point, but as a Christian mom I know who’s got my back!  I find great comfort in knowing that when I drop the ball, God’s grace covers me, and Michael.  Michael is no Messiah, not even an angel most days, but he’s mine even if it is for a short period of time.  Here’s to praying that I get it right!  :)

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